Are You Fully Utilizing your Communications System?

In our years of experience, we’ve noticed some common pitfalls when it comes to business communication systems. We’ve seen some noteworthy speed bumps that people should consider when implementing a VoIP solution, and we’ve also noticed that several tools that come with a good business communication system often go underutilized—this is true with robust VoIP installations as well. In this article we’re going to discuss those pitfalls, tools, and services, and how they can benefit your workforce in this remote work environment.
Underutilized Tools
Web Phone
This Chrome-based phone application lets you initiate calls from the business phone number, transfer calls between web phones, and transfer calls in and out of the office. This lets your company keep communications smooth and efficient regardless of the location of your staff. The mobile aspect of this system lets companies work within the current environment without their clients ever noticing any difference in business activity or operations.
Attendant Console and Internal Chat
Our VoIP solutions come with an attendant console, which is an extremely helpful tool for managing calls. The console allows users to work with an intuitive drag and drop interface to transfer or park calls, as opposed to manually typing in extensions every time. This tool hastens and simplifies the call management process, which makes working within the system easier and less stressful—as every good tool should.
These solutions also come with an internal chat function, allowing company staff to quickly message eachother within the office without having to use another tool or service. It’s a simple enough tool, but the value of an instant-messaging system within a workplace is significant; everyone knows that.
The Biggest Pitfall
The most significant and most common pitfall we’ve seen with VoIP solutions and implementations is simple: the client doesn’t have a strong enough home network. Any internet-based solution like VoIP is going to, by necessity, require a strong and stable connection and network. Trying to operate a robust VoIP solution with a weak network will result the same problems as a poorly-setup landline—dropped calls, issues with connections, and poor quality. It can also cause issues with call routing and the virtual receptionist. If you’re going to implement a modern communication system, it’s crucial that you work with an IT provider or your internet service provider to make sure your connection and network are both strong and stable.
We hope you found this article interesting, and we hope you will take advantage of those powerful underutilized tools in your solution. If you’re interested in a VoIP solution, feel free to schedule an Accelerator session with us; we’re happy to help you determine what best suits your needs.